Flying South for the Winter

Its tough to leave the mild winter of Utah to Japan where it has been cloudy and cold at best. I decided to travel as far south as possible and make my way north in hopes that I’ll be able to take advantage of nicer weather. So I took off for Kamigochi. It would require me to travel all day by bullet train. Traveling the Shinkansen across over half of the country is a surreal experience in comparison to the methods we use in the United States. In the matter of four or five hours you pass by millions and millions of lives playing themselves out on a small island in the ocean. Granted Japan is not a small island as islands go, but as a modern and powerful country it is small. Despite the millions of people, however, the country maintains its beauty. Forested hills and mountains poke out of every urban settlement and in the distance the larger mountains are a shadowy reminder of the volcanic heritage. The Shinkansen travels at such amazing speeds, that you barely have time to process the images passing by you. imageI enjoy traveling. Whether it is in the subway, the train, the shinkansen or plane, a mysterious wonder controls my emotions. Perhaps it is the simple break from the normal life that I’ve grown accustomed to for the whole of my life. Maybe I’m just restless, but the feeling is real. I feel like I could just travel the world over and over again, watching and thinking about what I see. Its a sensory overload for me. My mind doesn’t necessarily become clearer, but I understand and appreciate more about life. The Shinkansen’s interior is nicer than an airplane by a long shot. Seats go back a reasonable distance. Everything is immacutely clean, no surprise. The ride itself is very smooth. Perhaps my personal favorite part of a Shinkansen is its the perfect opportunity to purchase and eat a Bento box. The Bento is as Japanese as Mt. Fuji. A beautifully constructed box with perfectly sized compartments for each element of the meal. The food is surprisingly delicious. I am unaware of how long the food is actually in the Bento before it is sold, but it is a nicely packaged product with good flavor. Its just fun to eat. You feel like a kid with a fun school lunch to show off and eat. imageKagoshima is a port city on the bay of the South China Sea. Directly across from the coast (15 minute ferry ride) is one of use the most active volcanoes in the world. So far I’ve had several incredible experiences around Kagoshima. First of all, I traveled to the nearby southern tip of Kyushu to Ibusuki and experienced a hot sand bath. The volcanic thermal energy heats the sand. The Japanese believe it has incredible health benefits to bury yourself in the sand for about fifteen minutes on a routine basis. It opens up all the pores and what not. It was awesome. After the sand bath, I soaked in an onsen for another 20 minutes. I haven’t felt so relaxed and comfortable.image I also have to say that the bowl of Ramen I had was incredible. The city is famous for a black pork they raise and use in their cuisine. It was excellent as a part of this ramen. I believe I have to go for a second bowl before I leave the area. The volcano is surreal. I’ve seen the smoke coming from the top of the Popocateptl in Mexico City, but I really never ventured very close to it. I actually stood at the base of this volcanic mountain. I realize I’m going to be all around volcanos in my tour of Japan, but to see it in the skyline, draw close to it by ferry and then wonder if the thing erupted, what would I do? The volcano erupted in January, spreading ash across the city of Kagoshima.

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